Exclusive Offer: Holiday Rental Photography

As an enthusiast of the Airbnb and holiday rental market, I am delighted to offer my professional property photography services with a generous 30% discount. Now, for a limited time, you can elevate your property imagery for 2024 at the exclusive day rate of £245.

I’m passionate about helping fellow hosts because I truly believe that stunning visuals can make a real difference, creating unforgettable experiences for your guests. Join me on this visual journey, as we work together to transform each property into a captivating haven for those seeking unique and unforgettable stays.

Article Details:

  • Scheduling your photo session

  • Preparing for your photo session

  • After your photo session

Why Am I Being Offered A Discounted Photo Session?

I’m excited to offer a discounted photo session to help you refresh your property’s photo gallery. It’s a way for me to personally support you in improving your listing. I believe in the impact of compelling visuals, and by providing this discount, my aim is to empower you as a host. Your property’s visual appeal is crucial, and I want to assist you in presenting it in the best light possible.

What If I Have Another Rental Listing I Also Want To Be Photographed?

Here’s the exciting part – if you have another rental listing that deserves the same attention, I’ve got you covered! For every additional property you book during this promotion, you’ll receive an extra 10% off on my photography service.

What Are The Potential Benefits?

High-quality photos for your listings are essential in the competitive holiday rental market. They make your property stand out, leaving a lasting impression on potential guests and increasing booking rates.

Studies consistently show that professional visuals not only attract attention but also turn curious browsers into confirmed bookings. Beyond immediate booking boosts, these photos add perceived value, potentially justifying higher rates and maximising your return on investment.

In a visual world, this exclusive offer ensures your holiday properties tell a compelling story, making them the top choice for travellers seeking a memorable stay. Don’t miss out on unlocking these benefits and elevating your rentals to new heights!

How Long Is This Offer Open?

This exclusive offer is open for a limited time only. To secure your spot and take advantage of the 30% discount on the first holiday rental photography shoot, along with the additional 10% off for each extra property booked during the promotion, act swiftly.

Don’t delay in scheduling a consultation to discuss your photography needs and ensure your holiday listings receive the attention they deserve.

Can I Schedule This For Later On In The Year?

Absolutely! While the exclusive offer is currently available for a limited time, you can certainly schedule your photography sessions for later in the year. By securing the offer now, you lock in the discounted rates, allowing you the flexibility to plan your photography sessions according to your timeline.

This way, you can ensure that your holiday listings are ready to shine when the time is right, whether it’s for upcoming seasons, special occasions, or any other strategic timing that suits your property rental goals.

Scheduling Your Photo Session

Scheduling your photo session is easy! To take advantage of the exclusive holiday rental offer and elevate your property listing(s) follow these simple steps:

How Do I Schedule My Photo Session?

  • Contact Me:
    Reach out via email or phone to express your interest in scheduling a photography session. Or you can use the contact information provided here.

  • Consultation:
    We’ll schedule a consultation to discuss your unique needs and preferences. This allows us to tailor the photo session to highlight the distinctive features of your holiday rental property.

  • Choose a Date:
    During the consultation, we’ll coordinate and choose a suitable date for the photo session. Whether you’re planning for next week or later in the year, we’ll find a time that aligns with your schedule.

  • Confirm Details:
    Once we’ve finalised the details, I’ll provide confirmation of the scheduled photo session, including any preparations or considerations needed on your end. At this stage, a 20% deposit is required to secure your booking. Please note that the deposit becomes non-refundable within 14 days leading up to our scheduled date.

  • Enjoy the Process:
    On the scheduled date, relax and enjoy the photo session. I’ll work to capture the essence of your holiday rental, ensuring they shine brightly in every frame.

  • Receive Stunning Visuals:
    After the photo session, expect to receive a collection of high-quality images that showcase your properties in the best light. You can use these visuals in your online listings and marketing materials as you wish. The remaining £245 balance will be invoiced upon delivery of the images.

How Can I Request A Change Of Date?

If you need to make changes to the scheduled photo session, I kindly request at least 48 hours notice before rescheduling. This ensures a smooth process and allows for timely adjustments to accommodate your needs.

Preparing For Your Photo Session

It’s important to clean and style your space before the photo session because the new photos will give guests a glimpse of what they can expect from a stay in your home. I will be focused on capturing the ideal composition and lighting during the time they spend in your space.

How Should I Prepare For The Session?

You can find some quick best practices for showcasing your space below:


  • Ensure cars are not parked in the driveway or in front of the house.
  • Put away all garbage cans, recycling bins, newspapers, hoses, etc.
  • Clear all exterior pathways leading into your space.


  • Open all blinds/curtains on windows and doors, and open any closets that you wish to have photographed.
  • Turn off TVs and monitors as well as all lights, including in closets and bathrooms.
  • Clean all visible surfaces such as floors, windows, and mirrors.
  • Remove clutter and organise and straighten furniture, bedding, and interior décor.
  • Hide anything you don’t want people to see, such as personal or private items, garbage bins, etc.
  • Put toilet seats down and pull back any shower curtains.

You can find additional tips on how to prepare your property here.

Will You Help Me Style?

Absolutely! While my primary focus is capturing stunning photographs of your property, I’m more than happy to offer some assistance with minor styling during the photo session. While I won’t rearrange furniture or handle major styling changes, I can help with adjustments like arranging pillows or ensuring the lighting is optimal for the shots.

It’s essential to note that the property should be photo-ready when I arrive. This ensures that we make the most of our time together, capturing all the necessary photos to showcase your space in its best light.

Do I Need To Be Present For The Photo Session?

While your presence during the photo session is not mandatory, it can be beneficial for a few reasons. If you’re available, being on-site allows you to provide insights into specific features or details you’d like emphasised in the photographs. Your input can help personalise the session to align with your vision for the property.

However, if you’re unable to be present, rest assured that I am experienced in capturing the essence of properties independently. Before the session, we can have a thorough consultation to discuss your preferences, any specific areas you want to highlight, and any styling considerations. This ensures that the photo session reflects your vision even if you cannot be physically present.

After Your Photo Session

After your professional photography session, you can expect a comprehensive set of visually captivating images that showcase the unique features and charm of your property. Each room will be thoughtfully captured, highlighting its best angles and distinctive details.

How Many Photos Will I Receive?

Specifically, you can anticipate receiving a set of 2-3 high-quality photos per room, carefully curated to accentuate the space’s aesthetics. These images will not only showcase the layout and design but also capture the ambiance, making your listing more engaging and attractive to potential renters.

In addition to interior shots, exterior images will be included to provide a complete visual overview of your property. Exterior photos are essential for creating a strong first impression and conveying the overall appeal of your holiday rental property.

What If I Don’t Like The New Images?

Your satisfaction is paramount. I recognise the uniqueness of your property, and your preferences are integral to its presentation. I aim to capture the essence of your space in a manner that surpasses your expectations. If, upon reviewing the images, there are any adjustments or specific details you’d like to address, please feel free to communicate them. I am dedicated to ensuring that the final set of photos genuinely reflects the character and appeal of your property.

Next Steps

To book your session or discuss any specific preferences, feel free to contact me. I look forward to working with you and capturing stunning visuals that truly represent the character of your property.

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